1 dollar 2020. Maryland. The Hubble Space Telescope.
The Hubble Space Telescope, developed by NASA’s National Aeronautics and Space Administration and launched in 1990, is one of the largest and most versatile space telescopes. Teams from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and the Space Telescope Science Institute, both located in Maryland, operate the telescope.
The program to issue $ 1 coins dedicated to “important inventions and innovative approaches of both individuals and groups of people from all states, territories and the District of Columbia” started in 2018.
The obverse of the issued copy is the same for all other coins of the series: it depicts the Statue of Liberty, the denomination “$ 1”, the official motto of the country “In God We Trust” (“In God we trust”), as well as the initials of the engraver (Phoebe Humphill) and the artist (Justin Koontz). Since 2019, an additional sign is also placed under the motto. The year of coinage, the mint mark, and the motto “E pluribus unum” (“Of many, one”) are stamped on the edge.
All subsequent coins will be issued in the same order in which the states entered the union. In addition, a coin dedicated to the District of Columbia will be issued, followed by innovations in the Territories.
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